- Businesses could turn out impressive buzz-monitoring applications .
- 而公司也可以用它制作出监视热门话题的应用。
- So makers would be able to turn out new models quicker and at lower cost .
- 这样汽车制造商可以在更短的时间内以较低的成本设计出新车型。
- Even the most basic assumptions of economics turn out to have exceptions .
- 即使是最基本的经济学假设原来都是有例外的。
- None of those assertions turn out to be accurate .
- 这些断言没有哪一个证明是准确的。
- Even in a networked world all politics will ultimately turn out to be local politics .
- 即使在网络世界里,所有的政治活动最终都会变成地方政治。
- Perhaps he will turn out like ronald reagan .
- 或许能够成为下一个罗纳德里根。
- These tectonic shifts at state level may turn out to be even more important than those in congress .
- 这个国家层面上的政党结构换班也许会比国会的层面上的更重要。
- It also signals that the company is too heavily invested to turn out a shoddy product .
- 同时,他们还传递了这样一个信号,公司大血本投资宣传,是不会生产垃圾产品的。
- No one knows how the current period of turmoil will turn out .
- 没人知道当前这段动荡时期会是个什么结果。
- But if asia copies this western model the 21st century will turn out to be nobody 's century .
- 但如果亚洲复制西方的发展模式,21世纪最终不会是任何人的世纪。